Production Specifications


To reserve space for a display ad or receive current ad rates, please email or call Laura Heidenreich, president and associate publisher.

Email: Laura Heidenreich

Call: (312) 857-5562

Print Ad Dimensions

Ad Size Bleed Final Trim
Cover 8.875” x 11.175” 8.375” x 10.675”
Full Page 8.625” x 10.925” 8.375” x 10.675”
Spread 17” x 10.925” 16.75” x 10.675”


Digital Ad Sizes

Type Size Range Specs Description
Billboard 1280 x 250 File Size: 350kb max
File Format: JPG, PNG, GIF
Click-Thru URL required
Top of Page: Homepage and Articles
Banners 970 x 250
970 x 90
728 x 90
File Size: 150kb max
File Format: JPG, PNG, GIF
Click-Thru URL required.
Midstream Article, Footer, Static Pages
Newsletter Banners 680 x 175
680 x 90
File Size: 100kb max
File Format: JPG, PNG, GIF
Click-Thru URL required
Appears above the footer


How to Submit Your Ad

To submit your print or digital ad, email your materials to Madison Wisse, art director.

Email: Madison Wisse

Print Ad Notes for Bleed Specs

Keep safety 1/4” from bleed, 1/2” from trim. gb&d is webfed offset, perfect bound. Publication trim size: 8.375″ x 10.675.”

Producing Your Ad


Digital File & Contract Proof: Must be clearly indicated as to Issue, Publication and Advertiser.

Print File Format

The only file format supported by gb&d is a press-ready .pdf. We will NOT accept any native application files such as InDesign, Quark, or Illustrator. Materials should be supplied on a Macintosh-formatted CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. Materials should comply with SWOP standards.

Preferred Color Guidance

Please provide Kodak Approval, CREO Spectrum, or iris digital proofs for color guidance on press. The supplied color guidance must meet all SWOP specifications and must include a 6mm 5%, 25%, 75% and 100% CMYK patch strip for quality control. All proofs are to be pulled on publication grade stock. A set of two laser proofs (paginated) including the crop marks must be sent with materials. On bleed ads and undersized non-bleed ads, provide separate ruled position proof showing trim.

File Storage

Digital files will be stored for a period of 3 months, after which they will be destroyed unless written instructions are received to return them.

gb&d magazine winter 2022

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