Sustainable picks curated by gb&d staffer, Christina Wiedbusch
The Arc House
(pictured above)
Green Builder Media and Shelter Dynamics, in partnership with other sustainable innovators, have brought The Arc House to life as part of the VISION House series. Adara Power was selected to supply the energy storage system for the house, combining tiny house living with cutting-edge building science.
Metroflor Corporation
MetroFlor Corporation/Halstead International has appointed their first Chief Sustainability Officer, Rochelle Routman, LEED AP, O+M. The company is committed to being as sustainable as possible with principles of responsible sourcing, conserving water and energy, reducing emissions, and recycling embedded into the entire business.
Build Equinox has developed the CERV automated fresh air ventilation system for green homes. The CERV provides energy recovery ventilation based on real-time indoor air quality levels. The system was designed in response to a growing awareness that indoor air quality standards are inadequate and that real-time monitoring and smart ventilation is vital to human health and wellbeing.
Passive Projects Competition (PHIUS)
The 2nd Annual Passive Projects Competition is back by popular demand. The juried competition recognizes fully certified passive building projects of all types and climate zones. To showcase your work or celebrate the successes made in passive building, visit
Reinventing Green Building
Jerry Yudelson, LEED Fellow and author of 13 other green building books, tackles the industry’s latest topic: why certification systems aren’t working and what we can do about it. Yudelson provides an insider’s critique and explains why certifications are failing to provide large-scale carbon reduction.
The Motown Movement
This non-profit organization is run by three architecture students from the Netherlands aiming to make sustainable housing accessible for everyone. Their goal is to transform a home in Detroit into a living model of sustainable design. The model home will help residents find affordable ways to retrofit their houses and save money. Â