ACO, Inc. is committed to designing and producing the best solutions to water management. ACO understands the importance of better utilizing one of our planet’s vital resource, water, and works tirelessly to improve its utilization, collection, and reuse.
ACO’s resolution to better our planet extends throughout the company with our employees, customers, and vendors. Ac believes the future of drainage impacts everyone now and in the future.

Gert Laumann
Gert Laumann is the leader of the ACO, Inc. Building Drainage division and brings 15 years of experience in building drainage management from the Far East to the United States. He has spent time in Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Czech Republic, Europe, and Africa, while still serving a global market by providing hygienic, healthy, and safe solutions for all applications of building drainage. He has always pushed to produce sustainable products with concern for the environment, using stainless steel to ensure high quality products.

Kraig Smith
Kraig Smith is the market segment manager at ACO, Inc. His primary focus is the development and application of ACO StormBrixx. Kraig is a civil engineer by trade and has a Bachelor of Civil and Structural Engineering from the University of Bradford School of Engineering in the United Kingdom. He has worked for various engineering consultancies and disciplines over the past 18 years globally, ultimately ending up in the United States six years ago.
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