Location Artesia, NM
Completed 2012
Size 56,000 ft²
Client Mack Energy Corporation
Architect Van H. Gilbert Architect
Civil Engineer Bohannan Huston
Structural Engineer Desert Eagle Engineering
MEP Engineer Bridgers & Paxton Consulting Engineers
Acoustic Engineer Stan Roller and Associates
General Contractor Jaynes Corporation
con·trary (adj) \ˈkän-ˌtrer-ē\
being not in conformity with what is usual or expected. The corporate headquarters of Mack Energy, an oil and gas exploration, development, and production company, appears contrary to popular opinion regarding the oil and gas industries. The dynamic structure maximizes daylighting via a double-volume atrium, captures rainwater on-site, and uses reflective roofing and pavement shading to reduce heat island effect, helping keep energy costs low and conserving vital New Mexican resources.
des·ert (noun) \ˈde-zərt\
arid land, usually with sparse vegetation. Artesia, New Mexico is seated in the southeast part of the state and in the heart of the Chihuahuan Desert, an ecosystem whose approximately ten inches of annual rainfall are enough for the landscape’s native creosote bush, yucca, and cactus. The Mack Energy building’s color palette reflects the Chihuahuan landscape while a 33-foot-tall water wall inside feeds into a small interior pond.
in·te·grate (verb) \ˈin-tə-ˌgrāt\
to form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole. Both pragmatically and aesthetically, the Mack Energy headquarters integrates industrialist functionality and modern architectonics to achieve a cohesive, contemporary workspace. The 50,000-square-foot building centers on a two-story atrium that features steel girders supporting a corrugated, warehouse-like roof while natural stone walls and indigenous wood elements provide enclosure.

The two-story atrium lobby of the headquarters lets huge amounts of natural light into the building.
state·ment (noun) \ˈstāt-mənt\
something stated, as a single declaration or remark. By volume and dimension, the Mack Energy headquarters makes a strong design statement to the surrounding corporate architecture. The gently oblique roof is suggestive of oil drilling rigs interposed on the desert landscape while the curtain wall brings transparency and natural light to the inner offices.
re·sponse (noun) \ri-ˈspän(t)s\
something constituting a reply or a reaction. In response to societal expectations and employee concerns, the building site features covered employee parking and walkways, as well as pecan trees, shrubs, and various ground covers, which complement the site-sensitive xeriscaping. Suspended walkways and a precast lobby staircase join administrative and research functions from separate floors to promote interaction.