The shower of the future is here. Orbital Systems is redefining eco-luxury for both homeowners and enterprises with its aptly named Shower of the Future. The revolutionary design incorporates space nanotechnology that enables the shower to use only 10 percent of the water and 20 percent of the energy required by ordinary showers. Furthermore, the shower doesn’t compromise on pressure or temperature and actually supplies cleaner water at a greater pressure—up to 20 liters per minute to be exact.
The groundbreaking nanotechnology, which is Space Certified Technology, was originally used by an academic project with NASA. The Shower of the Future uses NASA’s space sustainability practices in order to conserve precious resources, such as water and energy. And it doesn’t stop there—along with the use of digitally controlled temperature regulation, you won’t ever have to experience drastic changes in temperature while showering.

ABOVE The Real Time Water Data App and Portal tracks and reports on water and energy savings related to your shower.
MIDDLE Along with the use of digitally controlled temperature regulation, you won’t ever have to experience drastic changes in temperature while showering.
BOTTOM The shower doesn’t compromise on pressure or temperature and actually supplies cleaner water at a greater pressure.
Photos: Courtesy of Orbital Systems
What about improving hygiene? The sensors in the shower can measure water quality and can actually clean the shower water through the use of its two purification capsules. The first is the Micro Capsule, which purifies the recycled water and provides efficient filtration capabilities. All unwanted molecules are then filtered from your water, therefore removing all contaminants, making your shower experience as pure and hygienic as possible.
The second is the Nano Capsule. The function of this capsule is to preserve the purity of the water. It keeps all undesired particles, including viruses, bacteria, and 99.9 percent of toxins, metals, and oils out of the water, making it cleaner than other conventional products.
In addition to saving up to 90 percent of water and up to 80 percent of energy, you will also save money. The Real Time Water Data App and Portal tracks and reports on water and energy savings related to your shower—including savings—as well as tracks progress towards aggregate sustainability goals.
How can you experience this blissful shower experience from the future? The award-winning design, including an Edison Award and GreenTec Award, is produced and manufactured in Sweden and shipped globally for commercial and residential installations. It is currently available for order, delivery, and consultative installation support in the United States.
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