The International Code Council (ICC) is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions that include product evaluation, accreditation, technology, training, and certification. The Code Council’s codes, standards, and solutions are used to ensure safe, affordable, and sustainable communities and buildings worldwide.
A subsidiary of the Code Council, ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) is the industry leader in performing technical evaluations of building products, materials and systems for code compliance. Due to its diligence and unparalleled engineering experience, ICC-ES is the most widely accepted evaluation agency in the nation
Safety + Security

Ryan Colker
Ryan Colker is vice president for innovation at the International Code Council and executive director of the Alliance for National & Community Resilience. Through the Code Council’s Center of Focus on Energy, Resilience, and Innovation he identifies critical challenges before the building industry and leads the Code Council’s strategies to address them. Prior to joining the Code Council he was a vice president at the National Institute of Building Sciences and a Manager of Government Affairs at ASHRAE.

Anna Mullen
Anna Mullen serves as the vice president of marketing out of the ICC-ES Southern California office. With a strong background in business administration, she develops strategies to enhance the visibility and impact of ICC-ES certification services.
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